The Dalai Lama announced this week a gift of $50,000 to an Emory University initiative that is developing a science education curriculum for Tibetan monastics.
Emory officials also announced that the Tibetan spiritual leader will return to the campus in October 2010 and host forums, seminars and other activities for the college community and the general public.
Details are still being finalized, although more information is expected in the next few weeks, spokeswoman Nancy Seideman said Tuesday.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner visits Emory periodically and was last on campus in 2007 as the university’s Presidential Distinguished Professor. During that visit he gave a public talk at Centennial Olympic Park.
The close relationship between Emory and the Dalai Lama led to the creation of the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative, which is developing science lessons to be infused into the regular curriculum for monks and nuns in monasteries in India.
As part of the program, Emory faculty travel to India each summer to teach a 10-week science course to more than 100 monks and nuns, according to the university. Emory faculty also have worked with Tibetan Buddhist scholars to produce science textbooks in English and Tibetan.
In a written statement about his donation, the Dalai Lama said that although the initiative has made great progress, “it is a large and farsighted project that will require significant resources to ensure its success and sustainability.”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution – September 30, 2009
Copyright 2009 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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