JERUSALEM (RNS) Churches in at least 20 countries plan to participate in the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel organized by the World Council of Churches and leaders in Jerusalem.
The fourth annual week of action, scheduled for June 4-10, encourages Christians from different denominations to work toward peace and justice in the Holy Land.
Participants are invited to pray, educate and advocate, inspired by the theme “it’s time for Palestine,” a WCC statement said. During the week the WCC is urging members to focus on Israeli settlements in occupied territory.

Various churches are planning events to show solidarity with the Palestinian people. One British church is urging people to bring a small stone to build memorials in places of worship. “Use the stone to remember those who have had their houses demolished by the Israeli military,” the WCC said.
Church-related organizations in Norway have scheduled a debate with politicians about ethical investment and the Jewish settlements, while Christians in the Philippines will send prayers and letters to Palestinian children living in a refugee camp.
Gerald Steinberg, a professor at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, believes that Peace Week sends a negative signal.
“It is one-sided in favor of the Palestinians and counterproductive to serious attempts between Israelis and Palestinians to come to a compromise,” he said.
By Michele Chabin
2009 Religion News Service
Copyright 2009 Religion News Service. All rights reserved. No part of this transmission may be distributed or reproduced without written permission.
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