United Press International – April 2, 2008
VATICAN CITY, Apr 2, 2008 (UPI via COMTEX) — Speculation regarding the sainthood of the Pope John Paul II escalated Wednesday as Pope Benedict XVI attributed the late pontiff with “supernatural qualities.”
Eulogizing at a mass commemorating the third anniversary of John Paul’s death, Benedict said ”among his many human and supernatural qualities, (John Paul) also had an exceptional spiritual and humanistic sensibility,” the Italian news agency, ANSA, said.

The head of the Roman Catholic diocese in Rome, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, closed the first steps of the beatification process at a similar mass last year.
Beatification is a phase on the way to full sainthood. Full sainthood requires evidence of a variety of theological qualifications, including evidence of miracles.
A French nun says she recovered from Parkinson’s disease when she prayed for John Paul’s intercession and claims of miracles attributed to the late pope arrive in Rome every week, Vatican officials said.
Vatican watchers expect a quick sainthood for John Paul II and some speculate the beatification date will be Oct. 16, the 30th anniversary of his election as pope, ANSA said. After that, if a second miracle it attributed to the beatified, that person would be canonized as a saint.
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