Martin Seligman is one of the biggest names in the field of psychology. He did the original research ont he concept of learned helplessness and has now helped to found the field of positive psychology with concepts like learned optimism. He, and the field, have come full circle from a view of humanity that has shifted from “what is wrong with you” to “what is right with you.” Humorous and enlightening, this talk provides an historical overview of the field. 

Seligman presents three considerations for happiness: pleasant emotions, engagement, and meaningfulness. Mindfulness is mentioned in the context of pleasant emotions, and while not specifically mentioned in the engagement portion of happiness it is present there too. The concept of “flow” is a mindful state — there is no separation between you and the activity; no self consciousness. The third path of meaningfulness emerges from being involved with something larger than your self. Mindfulness as part of the path to awakening is critical to this path of self-transcdendence.

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