A Touch of Encouragement

In this inspirational video, Martha Williamson introduces us to the new book “Spiritual Steps on the Road to Success” by Linda Seger which talks about success and how to reach goals without losing our soul. Martha also talks about the road she took while producing Touched By An Angel.

Prayer Series Part 1 In the first of her five part series on prayer, Martha Williamson describes the promise of prayer as something more than a conversation with God, instead she believes prayer can transport our spirits out of the mundane and into the light of God’s love.

No rest for the wicked or weary? Martha Williamson sets the record straight.

In response to her very popular video What Love Is, Martha Williamson shares some touching viewer comments which seem to have one thing in common: what love is comes down to what love does.

By inventing her own kind of “home shopping network,” Martha Williamson shares her secret of how she manages to get through Christmas without all of the last minute stressful shopping. She also reminds us that in life we don’t always get the same chance twice, so grab a hold of opportunities when you can!

What did you dream? Martha Williamson recalls a childhood memory of swinging on a swing in Colorado and dreaming of the future yet to come. And today she encourages each of us to remember that kid we once were and the dreams we once had.

Sometimes the safe choice is the dangerous one. The fear of change can paralyze us. In this inspirational video, Martha Williamson asks us to take a good look at what needs to change in our lives and encourages us to do it.

Do you listen with your head or your heart? Everyone says “I love you” in different ways. In this touching video, Martha Williamson shares a collection of children’s descriptions on what love means to them.

When someone close to you is grieving, Martha Williamson understands the importance of confronting the messiness of grief in order to better comfort the people we love. Martha learned this lesson the hard way when she pulled away from her friend just when she needed her the most. Watch A Sunday Morning Slip, the video…

What’s your plan? Just as we plan our emergency exits for possible life-threatening events, Martha Williamson thinks we should also plan for the emotional emergencies we face in our life. And it was her own “emotional exit plan” that helped her deal with the heartbreaking phone call telling her that her mother had just passed…

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