After much speculation, Rick Warren, pastor of the Saddleback Church, delivered the invocation at the inaugural ceremony – a prayer that was heartfelt and true to his faith tradition.   Warren offered an inclusive prayer for a nation comprised of many faiths.  “Help us, oh God, to remember that we are Americans, united not by…

I realize, Jay, you are eager to draw me into this case because your side is likely to win. My position has been consistent: Michael Newdow and all of the other plaintiffs in this suit are right on principle, but that doesn’t mean the court will agree with them. Public events like presidential inaugurations, gubernatorial…

Barry, you are right on target.  It is certainly up to President-elect Obama and his wife to make the best decision possible for the education of their two daughters.  This is a private, family matter. But, as we both know, the media is anxious to make a story where there is none. There’s no secret…

According to the Washington Post, President-elect Obama has decided to send his two daughters to the Sidwell Friends School.  This is a wise decision.  Earlier in the week both the Post and syndicated columnist Cal Thomas had editorialized that he should send the children to the District’s public schools.  The pundits were arguing that to…

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