In the early 1900s, before the age of superhighways, supermarkets, and the giant food manufacturers, things were very different, better in many ways. Small family farmers used to truck or cart each season’s harvest to a small centralized buyers’ market that had been set up in their area. Some farmers, more isolated than others, had…

If it helps, think of troubling times like these as your having been distracted while taking a long walk through the city. Maybe you were caught up with thinking about the “good old days!” Then you suddenly realize that, in your dream state, you’ve wandered by mistake into a dangerous neighborhood where you know that…

What are you here in this world for if it isn’t to gain things? Do you know what this life is for? It’s to grow. It’s to learn about who and what we really are; nothing more, nothing less. But no one has taught you how to grow. You might think you know what it…

Growing pains are required; they are inescapable for anyone who wishes to try on the larger soul. For something greater to be born, the lesser must pass. On the other hand, nothing is more useless than continually suffering the level of self that basks in bitterness, broken dreams, and the painful ambition that attends the…

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