Letting Go with Guy Finley

No one, no thing – no dark thought or feeling – has either the right or the power to limit your freedom without your consent. This knowledge is the key to tossing these tyrants out of your life. Becoming a true spiritual warrior starts with learning to use the following insights to see your way…

Dear Friend, Freedom from what is unwanted by you begins with awakening to what is unseen within you. So . . .  . . . If you’re tired of asking yourself “What came over me?”, after the damage has been done, there is an answer. It begins with understanding that in life you can never…

In this powerful podcast, Guy Finley points the way to a completely new understanding about your own mind that can forever free you from the painful sting of past regrets.

Reliving a past pain in the belief that revisiting it will keep you from going through that same suffering again is like throwing money out the window of a moving car so that you won’t spend it foolishly later!

Learn about the true nature of self-correction in this video blog by Guy Finley. He explains that being hard on ourselves actually inhibits our ability to learn and grow in the moments when we find we’ve missed the mark, despite our best intentions. But that no longer has to be the case when we choose…

In moments of challenge, the tendency is to immediately resist the situation because of the pain it seems to bring with it. But, the truth of the moment is very different from this habitual perception and mechanical reaction to it.

When the small child cries out for fear of what his pregnant imagination is showing him to be lurking in a corner of his darkened room, the wise parent turns on the light and shows the child there is no real cause to be afraid. In a way, the concerned adult is an agent of…

QUESTION Why is it so hard to let go of resentment of things past? ANSWER It isn’t the thing, the person, the condition that holds us captive and puts us in conflict. It is our attachment to the sense of self that pondering these thoughts produces in us. There’s the pain, and there’s the way…

Let me extend a warm welcome to you, my new friends along the Way, and invite you to journey along with me as we make some wonderful discoveries about the true nature of letting go, and what it takes to start living fearless and free. My name is Guy Finley, and together we are going…

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