In times of anxiety and fear, we almost always call upon someone or something to help us get through our stress. This dependency on others for strength not only weakens our soul but also steals from it the possibility of the Extraordinary visiting it to deliver two major lessons: first, the crucial lesson that fear…

The only reason your mind won’t stop its endless chattering… is because “you” won’t stop listening to it! *** Talking to yourself to comfort yourself makes sense only until you realize that talking to what troubles you, in the hopes of quieting it down, is like blowing kisses to a fire hoping that a show…

Being anxious, always in a rush and racing after whatever it is we’ve imagined will help us to be more at peace with ourselves, is like running to catch the shadow of a passing cloud on a hot summer’s day so that we get to stand in a cool spot! *** Rushing through our lives…

Question: I love the idea of living in a world without storms, but given how much turmoil and trouble there seems to be every¬where, including in ourselves, where do we find such an elevated state of self? Answer: Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions, and right…

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