Rebirth is made possible because something dies to ensure it. In this eternal law of life hides a new understanding, a great key that many have sought but only few have ever found. As we are about to see, it opens an interior door that leads directly to a conscious relationship with the divinity within us.

Life will always give you something greater than what it’s asked you for, providing you’re willing to let go of that part of yourself that, for fear of the new, favors what’s old. It’s impossible to cling to who you have been … and be free of yourself at the same time.

This great exchange and the self-sacrifice for which it calls is the spiritual secret of secrets. Your willingness to enact it is the same as finding the “perfect love that casts out all fears.”

Your success depends upon being able to see that real life is secretly a single, beautiful movement incapable of contradicting itself. The more you understand how this one truth includes everything that happens to you, the more you’ll be willing to let go and enter into the flow of even your most unwanted moments!

In this light, the old adage “let go and let God” takes on a whole new meaning; it is a single action born of two harmonizing parts: the need to release yourself from a part of yourself that no longer serves your best interests, and the simultaneous rebirth of a new order of self beyond anything you could have imagined.

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