Question: I am in a relationship with a man who has not received God as I have. I’ve tried to share with him my journey, but he rejects my feelings and does not want to hear anything about God. I trust in God that He will go into his heart in his own timing. However, we are to be married soon, and I feel I cannot marry this man who must have hatred and evil in his life. What should I do?

Answer: Our one true and first responsibility is to practice, as best we are empowered to do, the presence of God. In the light of that awareness lives all of the understanding we need when it comes to realizing happy and productive relationships with others. In fact, if we genuinely practice living in the “Presence” moment (meaning working to remember the truth of ourselves at all times), then we know (in each moment) that what others choose to do with their minds and hearts is none of our business. (The only exception to this rule is when we are asked by someone else what we think would be best for him or her).

It’s also difficult to understand that, in one respect, there are as many spiritual levels on this planet as there are individuals upon it… and, as a result, many of those people think that spiritual bliss is the same as a good milkshake. This is why we must choose, as best we can, to put what we know is True first and foremost in our lives. Only our conscious relationship with living Truth can show us what is right, bright, and true when it comes to dealing with the individuals that come in and out of our lives.

So, instead of wanting something from this man, something he may not be able at this point in his development to give you, try giving him the one thing that might make all the difference in both of your lives: your wish to understand your self better, and to surrender yourself more completely to God’s will.

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