Real love can never betray you… for when you start with, and then endeavor through what love asks of you, you will come to know this greatest of truths that sets you free: love’s endpoint begins – and has always abided – within you.

How do you make love real? Without sacrifice there can be no fulfillment of love. Most of us know love as a trade, but real love is not convenient. It always has a cost. These 7 acts of love mentioned in the Bible can help you realize a higher form of love in all your relationships…

Proverbs 18 – Listen Without Interrupting

Catch the part of you that knows better than anyone else, that never stops inserting and asserting itself in the moment.

James 1:19 – Speak Without Accusing

Give up the part of yourself that is always looking to dominate.

Colossians 3:13 – Forgive Without Punishing

Be present to the pain in you… without blaming another. Refuse to fight or protect yourself.

Ephesians 4:15 – Share Without Pretending

Listen instead of feigning interest. Actually give your attention to the person with you.

Philippians 2:14 – Enjoy Without Complaint

Catch the part of you that never stops comparing, and stop judging.

Corinthians 13:7 – Trust Without Wavering

Have faith in the good that sees the moment; in the light that reveals both you and the other person.

Colossians 4:2 – Pray Without Ceasing

Never forget your helplessness. Remember the cost of sacrificing yourself, which is to give yourself completely to what wants to give itself to you.

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