There is a ceaseless call in us, between the seed of this individual that we presently are and the tree of life, the Christ within that we are intended to become. What do you think it is inside of you that wants to be a good person? To help somebody when they need help and do it without claiming some prize for doing it? That understands that even though you don’t want to do it, there are times when sacrifice is not just mandatory but is required of you? What do you think it is that knows when you don’t do that, and realizes that you’ve missed the mark again? Inside all of us there is an order of love that is buried quite deep, just like a seed. That seed is God’s love in us and within the seed that is buried also exists the way to find it.

In the spring when you see the seed that becomes the tree or that becomes the flower, you understand the seed is resurrected. And when it rises again, that flower gives birth to a seed that goes back into the ground, and it rises again. Time and nature act upon this form to continually produce what she needs for her own glorification. In the same way, human beings are meant to be resurrected, to rise again, but we have only to look at the world as it is to realize that the seed has become corrupt… (to be continued)

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