I’ve always found that cleaning can empower you. It gives you control over your environment and yourself for doing it. Often making changes can seem difficult, and it’s hard to get started. That’s why I advocate taking baby steps for everything you set out to do. I used to be the queen of clutter and…

Yesterday I posted an interview with Rita Cosby, an award-winning journalist who wrote the amazing book, Quiet Hero, the story her dad’s harrowing journey as a member of the Polish Resistance during WWII and how she connected to him after years of disconnection. When I read the book, one thing that struck me was an…

Guilt can ruin the pleasure of eating something yummy. Many of us are in a perpetual cycle of watching our weight. I try to be careful not to gain much. But the pursuit of a slimmer body can cloud our ability to allow us to enjoy what we eat. And self-love is about making yourself…

This is post 137in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how. In my post, Enjoy Being Happy, a reader said that the…

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