Many people are scared to say “no because they were taught to be nice sand think it’s not nice to turn people down. Both women and men say they feel obligated to agree to requests. Yet they don’t like feeling that way! When I ask why they don’t say “no” when they want to i9…

I was recently at a motivational event. The speaker asked people in the audience to share something special they’d done. One woman said she began to say “no” occasionally. Everyone applauded this feat. Women are known for being overly agreeable. I’ve encountered many guys who say they also agree to requests much too often. Yet…

I know how hard it can be to say ‘No” after you’ve been a people pleaser for years and people expect an automatic “Yes” to favors from you. But it’s also exhilarating to say it and know that you’re off the hook for doing something you don’t want to do. Setting boundaries on how much…

I’ve never liked one-way streets. When I’m trying to get somewhere, especially in an area I’m not familiar with, it’s frustrating to try to navigate streets that aren’t going in the direction I want to go in.. Anything going just one way can hinder you. That includes people. When I was a DoorMat, my give…

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