Lessons from a Recovering Doormat

If at first you don’t succeed, ?try, try again. This saying is said to have been included in a Teacher’s Manual in the eighteen hundreds. So perseverance is an old concept! In my last post, Controlling Fear of Failure, I talked about how fear of failure keeps us from even trying. From the emails I…

Do you block SUCCESS if you’re scared to fail? It’s ridiculous, but trying to avoid what worries you can impede succeeding. Before being published, I made excuses for not going after a book deal. The truth was, I was terrified my dreams would evaporate if editors didn’t like my writing. It felt better to write…

I agree with SUCCESS magazine’s perspective that one-dimensional success really isn’t success at all. Often we focus on career advancement or business deals as SUCCESS. But a well-rounded life focuses on body, mind, spirit, AND your career. It creates a bouquet of successes that blossom as you acknowledge them. A lot of my writing relates…

I was delighted that SUCCESS magazine re-launched with the March issue, which was packed with articles on many people who’ve achieved success that motivate and stimulate new ideas. I love this magazine! Everything is about SUCCESS. Reading it is a constant reminder of going for your own. I applaud its publisher, Darren Hardy, for being…

Safety has been on my mind since Saturday when the crane fell on several building that I see right outside my window and talked about in my previous post, Shame on NYC–Building Crash Outside My Window. My neighborhood still feels like a war zone, reminding me of what it was like after 9/11 on some…

For 8 years I’ve been tortured by construction going on outside my window. One building after another on East 51st, which my apartment faces, has been knocked down and built up since 2000. Drilling, clanking, banging and trucks beeping is the music I write to, eat with, try to ignore when I want to relax…

Last night I was at a panel put on by the American Society of Journalists and Authors, which I’m a member of. Five editors of top magazines spoke about how to pitch them articles. There was a reception before the panel began. As each person arrived, the same question was asked—“Would you be willing to…

I write a lot about the Law of Attraction in a variety of situations. It really is the biggest power tool for getting what we choose to have. Yet so many people complain that they try to think happy thoughts and do affirmations but don’t manifest. There really are a lot more dynamics that you…

Today I heard the disturbing news that my governor was caught hiring a prostitute. The full story hasn’t come out yet, but reports say he hired a woman through a prostitution service in NY to take a train down to Washington DC. When she got there, Governor Eliot Spitzer got caught! This is the man…

I’ve been writing about guilt and how it hurts our lives. It gives other people power over your life and happiness. Often your choice to assuming guilt is a lose/lose situation. You lose if you give in to what the person makes you feel guilty about, such as canceling your plans to help them, loaning…

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