I’m delighted to have Laura Vanderkam as my guest today.  She’s the author of several books, including her new one, 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think. She puts a new spin on your perspective of time.  Four Words You Should Never Say (at least to yourself)By Laura Vanderkam Be honest. The last…

A reader shared in a comment on a previous post that she has an elderly mother who has always used quilt to get what she wants. She sees this as an emotional hold on the family. Her mother makes her feel that she never does enough for her. This is a very common problem. Moms…

What criticism kicked your self-esteem to the curb? What memories from childhood or relationships or jobs that didn’t work out or mistakes that embarrassed you do you still hold onto. I’ve said before that the past holds us back. Old memories can keep you from doing or trying what you’d like to do because something…

I’m delighted to have an interview with celebrity trainer/nutritionist, Kathy Kaehler. Kathy has trained celebrity moms such as Julia Roberts, Michelle Pfeiffer and Denise Richards. I consider taking care of your body as an act of love. She lives by her 90/10 percentage rule, which encourages individuals to watch what they eat 90 percent of…

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