Ricorocks via Morguefile
Ricorocks via Morguefile

I believe in the importance of having good posture. The good thing is it’s easy to fake! Standing up straight and tall is a good habit to create for many reasons. One is that it helps you to feel better physically. I initially developed good posture to avoid back pain since I do a lot of power walking and running. When I’m even a little hunched over, my back hurts later on, so it seemed logical to improve my posture to avoid pain.

Then I learned that good posture had some other fabulous benefits when a friend stayed with me on a visit when I was just beginning to build my self-esteem.

One day I came home in a fowl mood because as I walked around town, several guys made catcalls at me. When I power walk or run, I get into the zone. It’s often a time to consider ideas to write about or decisions I have to make and I lose myself in it. When guys shout out as I go by, it distracts me. I felt violated for not being able to do my walk without having guys intrude in my thoughts and take me out of my zone.

I ranted about it to my friend and said that to add insult to injury, the guys calling to me were skuzzy in my eyes. When I began to lament about why only icky guys noticed me, he cut me off, laughing, and explained that wasn’t true. He pointed out that everyone looks at me as I power down the street, with my back straight and head held high. I was incredulous as he shared he sees men, women, even kids look at me with admiration as I fly by them. But those folks aren’t the type to call out and I’m in my zone and don’t see them.

The next day as I walked, I left my zone and peeked at folks I passed. I was stunned that my friend was right. People did notice me as I walked and their looks were positive. That taught me how good posture gives people the impression of strong confidence, even though mine wasn’t very strong yet. Every time I took a walk I felt better about me, knowing that others saw me better than I saw myself.

The same good posture that people notice while you walk will also help you walk into a room and make a good impression for work or play situations.

Improving your posture is a great way to improve your confidence ! Force yourself to straighten up and lift your head high. Pay attention to the response you get from others. It can do more than you might imagine to your confidence. Building good self-esteem is a series of steps. Good posture takes you up a very effective one!

Join The Self-Love Movement™! Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Commitment“I commit to do my best to do something loving for myself, however big or small, for the next 31 days. and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at http://howdoiloveme.com. Read my 2014 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE. Join the Self-Love Movement™! on Facebook. Watch the video made with Hoobastank’s song–The reason–that illustrates the power of self-love.

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