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Today is Day 14 of my 31 Days of Self-Love posts to celebrate Self-Love Month with suggestions for jump-starting your own self-love and joining The Self-Love Movement™.

LOAlogoBLOGThis is post 267 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

You want good stuff—more money, romance, great health, fun, a great job, etc.—and wonder why you can’t attract any of it. You might get little tastes but the really good stuff doesn’t seem to come your way. People come to me for counseling, confused about why they’re not able to get manifesting right. They say the right thing and do their best to get their vibrations up. But, nothing happens. They ask things like:

•    “Why doesn’t God like me enough to help me get what I want?”

•    “What did I do to deserve this lack?”

•    “Am I being punished for something I did in the past?”

•    “What’s wrong with me?”

Those kinds of statements send a message that you assume it’s your fault because you’re not worthy for one of those reasons. But it’s not true! That message blocks what you want. When you tell the Universe you have doubts about your worthiness, it keeps you from attracting all the good you can. I know how that feels because for years I didn’t feel worthy and kept putting out a vibration of feeling doubt about whether I could get what I wanted because of it.

You can say all the right words and think you’re sending out the right vibration. But the Law of Attraction will pick up any underlying feelings you might have about not feeling good enough to manifest your desires. After all, if you believe you’re not fully worthy, why should you get them? I used to think I was too fat or not good enough to get beyond where I was or what I had. When I began to love me more, and take steps out of DoorMatville, my feelings of worthiness got stronger and more good stuff came to me.

The more positive stuff I did for me, the more positive stuff I attracted. The further I got from DoorMatville, the stronger my positive vibration got. When I was able to say, “I am worthy!” out loud, with true belief and excitement, big things began to come to me. It can be easy to give lip service and say “I am worthy” by rote, instead of with feeling. It’s much harder to get that feeling into how you say it. You do have to believe, at least a little. And havingself-love makes you believe!

The more you build self-love, the easier it gets to say and mean it. You are worthy now, even if you don’t think you are. You don’t have to prove your worthiness. You just have to believe it. The more you say it, the more it sinks in and then the more you can say it with the passion that comes from loving yourself.  I know that I am truly worthy to get anything I desire. Do you believe you are?

Repeat, “I am worthy!” as much as you can.

When you reach the point of believing, your vibration will be higher from that alone, and the rest of manifesting becomes easier. True feelings of worthiness fuels the Law of Attraction to bring you what you want.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.


Join The Self-Love Movement™! Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Commitment“I commit to do my best to do something loving for myself, however big or small, for the next 31 days. and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at Read my 2013 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE. Join the Self-Love Movement™! on Facebook.

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