When we’re kids, having a time out happens when we do something an adult doesn’t like or when our emotions get out of control. It’s meant as a way to break the triggers for behavior that’s unacceptable. As adults, a time out can calm stress and negative emotions. It can also enhance our mood and refresh our energy.

When you take a time out, you stop and do something that feels good.

A time out can be something as simple as having a cup of tea in silence, or reading a book. It can be a short walk, or a phone call to a good friend. When the weather is nice, I like to walk over to Baskin Robbins and get my favorite flavor (pralines and cream) ice cream cone and leisurely walk back. Then I continue doing my work. Sometimes I just close my eyes and breathe for a few minutes.

When I’m feeling very stressed or rushed, I often go to Orin Meditation Room and do one of the short guided meditations on the site.  They’re free and don’t last long but when I finish, I’m refreshed and calmer.

Find whatever works for you as a time out. Try different things to see what does it for you. Go outside in the yard or on a terrace or somewhere you can get in touch with nature and just be for a few minutes. Sit in a comfy chair and close your eyes. Watch a spiritual video. Say some positive prayers. I like to have a chat with God when I need a break. Time outs are different for everyone. The important thing is to do something that says, “I love me.” It will pick up your spirits and motivate more loving actions.

Take the self-love challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at http://howdoiloveme.com. And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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