This is post 47 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read the posts in this series to see how.

People now see me as someone who makes her dreams come true. We all have dreams. Our minds can take us far. But I’ve found that people fall into several general categories. Yes, they may overlap at times. But in general, you’ll probably recognize yourself most in one. You might not want to recognize yourself correctly. But when you do, you can use the Law of Attraction too help you get what you think you want. Which one are you?

* Fantasy Dreamer: People imagine scenarios that are either so far from their lives to consider happening or that are over the top for someone or that they really wouldn’t want to come true. These dreams are often too general to attract spiritual support, like being rich and famous or having men or women fawning all over you to get your attention. These kinds of dreams usually stay in the person’s bed. We often retreat to these dreams when we’re down or feeling helpless to improve life.

I had fantasy dreams often as a DoorMat. I’d imagine myself doing all sorts of incredible things or being with handsome actors or becoming a different person. They’d make me feel better for a while and help me pass time. But then I’d get sad KNOWING they wouldn’t come true. My putting it out to the Law of Attraction that I KNEW it wouldn’t happen ensured it wouldn’t happen. Fantasies CAN become reality IF you believe they can, but most fantasy dreamers don’t.

* Envious Dreamer: Envy can make you dream about having something that someone else has. You might not have wanted it on your own but seeing someone else with it can start you dreaming about having it too. You might want the expensive car your wealthier neighbor has or the prefect body you see on someone else, even though your frame is different.

In my DoorMat day, I envied many people and dreamed of having what they had—the hot boyfriend, the killer body, the lavish lifestyle and anything else I saw that seemed good. I just assumed the people with them were happy, which I wasn’t. So I dreamed about having it all, as I sadly believed I’d always have to live vicariously through others since I’d never have any of it. Envious dreamers tend to focus on their envy rather than trying to get what they dreamed about. They believe it’s always other people who get those things.

* Hopeless Dreamer: These dreamers really want to manifest and may take a few steps to do it. But, one setback or perceived obstacle can keep them dreaming forever. You may want to start a business, take a trip around the world, buy a house, become the president of your company or the US! But if you wait for a miracle before taking some steps forward, you’ll probably live in hopelessness. I felt hopeless about many things, especially getting out of DoorMatville. Compliments and words of encouragement were deflected by my low self-image, which said I couldn’t do much.

Many people sort of believe in the possibility of their dreams coming true but succumb to roadblocks, the biggest being in their heads. When things don’t go smoothly or come easily, it’s interpreted as too hard or not doable. That tells the Law of Attraction that you don’t expect it to happen. And guess what? It doesn’t! Then you may wallow in your being right instead of looking for another way to make it work.

* Intentional Dreamer: This is where I am now—a dream realizer! I won’t dream it if I don’t intend to seek it. People call me lucky. I don’t believe there’s any such thing. You get what people call luck by setting your sites on what you want with a belief that you will get it, and put that out strongly to the Law of Attraction. That’s truly what luck is—intentions manifested. Sometimes I hated others for being so lucky, not recognizing that I always had the power of the Law of Attraction to help me manifest real dreams. Lucky people are careful about their thoughts and attract more, so the other kind of dreamers call it luck. But it really is letting your thoughts work with the Law of Attraction.

Hopeless dreamers are good at making excuses for why they can’t make their dreams come true. They’re just copouts for not doing what it takes in most cases! You can find a million reasons for waiting to pursue your dreams. And waiting. And waiting. Each time you wait gets you a little more stuck in moving forward and it often becomes even harder to go for your dreams.

The best way to realize your dreams is to begin to live them.

Take a step forward to bring the dream out of wishful thinking and make it part of your life. If you make progress and then hit a step backwards, you can’t let it stop you—IF you truly want what you dream about. As a DoorMat, I dreamed in the black and white visions of what I wanted, shrouded in doubts about why it couldn’t happen. Now I dream in reality Technicolor. I decide what I want, do what I can to make it happen, and then trust that what I need will be there.

When intentions are clear and faith is strong, the Law of Attraction facilitates them.

I’m going to share one of my dreams. I’ve told a few people but they laugh. Does it faze me? Nope! I just know they’ll have a harder time manifesting their own dreams if they don’t understand the faithful intentions I have. I intend to win the Mega Millions lottery! There, I’ve said it in public! I want to use the money to do good for others. I KNOW with all my heart this will happen when the time is right. I have a budget for where the money will go. Mostly charities. I’ll keep just enough to live on so I can administer the money to do the most good.

I don’t buy tickets every week. The jackpot must be well over 100 million for it to suit my intentions. ?

When it gets there, then I buy. If I forget, it’s okay since it will be higher the following week or someone else will win. In the latter case, I wouldn’t want to win that time and split the money. Meanwhile, I keep visualizing the win coming and make concrete plans for the money, which can change each time the jackpot goes up. I’ll take 26 payments so it must be enough to give me substantial money each year. I’m still not sure of some details of how to accomplish what I intend, since when I ask an accountant, etc, I get strange looks, not answers.

I truly KNOW with all my heart it’s coming—next week or in 10 years—whenever the right time is.

So now you have one of my more secret dreams, though I have many more! Join me! Be spontaneous, with some planning of course. Move forward in making your dreams come true. Take one step today. Learn something you need on the Internet. Write a plan. List your goals. Make a call. Ask for advice. Read a book about it. Things work out when you LET them. So LET them! Set your intentions, do what’s necessary, and let the Law of Attraction do its part. Take your dreams out of bed and begin the steps to seeing them to reality!

See al
l the Law of Attraction in Action Series..

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