There’s a huge list of personal development blogs being circulated and I’m honored to be part of it. This list was created by Priscilla Palmer. She has a wonderful blog with all sorts of great suggestions. I advise you check her out. The list is large. I couldn’t get it to post here so you…

An article in the NY Times this week was called He’s Happier, She’s Less So It discussed the results of a study that said nowadays, men are happier. Years ago, studies showed women to be the happier of the sexes. But times have changed! One difference pointed out is that men enjoy being with their…

I’m delighted to have Rena Greenberg as a guest blogger. Rena is President of Wellness Seminars, Inc. and the author of several books about diet and weight loss (more at the end of the article). I believe that part of developing self-empowerment is learning to control your eating habits. Rena has some great suggestions for…

Stores have markdown sales in order to move inventory or get rid of products that aren’t selling. It’s good business sense to do it at appropriate times. But the practice is self-defeating if you reduce your own value. Whether it’s for business or pleasure, many of us give ourselves away in ways that create feelings…

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