Deaf Missions reports, “roughly 98% of the worldwide population of Deaf people have never encountered the real Jesus. What is the number one issue Deaf people face when it comes to knowing Jesus? The answer boils down to two words: communication barriers.”

The Deaf among largest unreached groups
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68 out of 70 million Deaf people
do not know Jesus.

To address the issue, JESUS: a Deaf Missions film, will be the first feature film presented entirely in American Sign Language. In theaters beginning June 20th, the historical movie will offer a special opportunity for a Deaf audience to experience the story of Jesus.

Who’s Behind the Epic Film?

Deaf Missions and GUM Vision Studio collaborated to make the movie come alive. An international Christian ministry established in 1970, Deaf Missions is behind the creation of the Jesus film, which is dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the underserved Deaf population. Their mission reaches 100 countries and 60 Christian denominations through video content in sign language.

A key point is that the film is created by Deaf individuals for Deaf individuals, with a cast fluent in ASL (American Sign Language). To broaden the reach even further, the film includes subtitles to those who do not know sign language.

Deaf Missions Work

Along with the JESUS film, Deaf Missions produces a children’s television series and other children’s videos. Their debut feature film was inspired by the book of Job.

Besides creating epic video content, the ministry supports the development of Gospel communities and equips Deaf leaders with training resources in their heart language. The Jesus film website states, “In 2020, Deaf Missions completed the first full translation of the Bible in any sign language: the ASLV (American Sign Language Version of the Bible).” The translation effort, along with the JESUS film, offer significant contributions toward reaching the Deaf communities worldwide.

To purchase tickets for JESUS: a Deaf Missions film, click here or at participating theater box offices.

JESUS: Deaf Missions Film
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Other Initiatives Reaching the Deaf Population

250 to 300 million Deaf people in the world, only 2% of them are Christians

More data supports that the deaf community is an unreached people group, unlike any other. In an article by Mission Frontiers states, “It has been reported that out of an estimated 250 to 300 million Deaf people in the world, only 2% of them are Christians. That means 98% of Deaf people will miss out on the blessing of eternal life with Jesus in heaven. Deaf people are among the largest unreached people groups in the world.”

Reaching the Deaf people group offers unique challenges to understanding their unique communication needs and cultural contexts. However, there are organizations fully committed to changing the outcome in addition to Deaf Missions.

DOOR International

As stated in an article by​ Mission Network News, “DOOR International wants to change this reality for 50% of the world’s Deaf by 2025. They’ve described their intentions in a mission code named 50×25. Initiatives like 50×25 aim to provide access to God’s Word in sign language and foster church-planting movements led by Deaf individuals. Deaf leaders trained in sign language, Bible translation and church planting are crucial for effective ministry.

Christian Mission for the Deaf

Christian Mission for the Deaf (CMD) is committed to addressing the communication and spiritual needs of deaf Africans. They support school development, local leader training, and a comprehensive communication approach. Sign language, finger-spelling, and other techniques to improve language proficiency and understanding of Biblical concepts are utilized.

In the first 30 years, their work has focused on implementing schools for the deaf. Once the basic foundation is established, their efforts shift to focus on the spiritual needs of the deaf. The majority of their programs and sessions are led by people who are deaf nationals.


Christar exists because entire people groups still have no access to the transforming love of God. Their mission emphasizes the importance of mobilizing and equipping believers who are accepted into Deaf society. They use video and online networking to communicate the Gospel and establish churches among those who are Deaf. Understanding the distinct languages, cultures, and worldviews of Deaf communities is vital for effective outreach.

By implementing these strategies and supporting organizations focused on Deaf ministry, Christians can help bridge the gap and bring the gospel to Deaf communities worldwide.

For more detailed information, you can visit the following resources:


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