A profound message in the week’s Torah reading, Eikev, reminds us there is really no middle ground between adhering to God and adhering to idolatry. On the verse, “Beware for yourselves, lest your heart be seduced and you will turn astray and you will serve other gods and prostrate yourselves to them” (Deuteronomy 11:16), Rashi explains that there is a basic dichotomy between serving God and serving idols: “Once a person parts from the Torah” — that is, from divine teaching — “he goes and attaches himself to idolatry.” Those are the two choices every persons chooses between, and there are only two.

I was just listening to some joker called David Eagleman on Coast to Coast AM. Eagleman calls himself a “possibillian.” That means there are a multitude of “possible” spiritual perspectives that are neither secular materialist atheism nor Bible-based theism.
No, there aren’t. All the alternatives boil down to the same thing.

What about people who embrace no particular faith? Ah, that’s what they say, but of course they embrace a faith. It takes the form of some source of moral authority, accepted every bit as much on faith as a Jew or Christian’s embrace of the Bible. Typically what a “secularist” worships is simply the Zeigeist meshed with his own ego imperatives.
In short, no one is without a god. Either you worship God, or you worship other gods — which the Bible calls idolatry. Get used to it.
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