J Walking

I am having such trouble writing these days… commenting on politics feels about as worthwhile as commenting on the nearest pre-school playground fight, commenting on God seems WAY above my spiritual level… so I am glad to be able to point to something beautiful my new friend Anne wrote on her blog – it makes…

I did the following review for NPR’s All Things Considered today. I’m excited about it because it is one of the best things I’ve written in a long time. I’m more excited because it almost (almost) does justice to Ms. Rice’s breathtaking now book, The Road to Cana. “Who is Christ the Lord?” With those…

Much ink (actual and virtual) has been spilled this campaign season about how the Clinton legacy is impacted by Hillary’s run. A win obviously does wonders for it – the first husband and wife ever to be elected. The first woman ever elected president. It is in losing that things would get more complicated. A…

As I write Ohio and Texas are too close to call for the Democrats. Commentators in ever media medium are saying the same thing in different words – wow, we don’t have a clue. But to the American people, to the people who have already turned off their television sets and tucked their kids into…

What if America’s ministers and parachurch leaders got together and published an article confessing their failures as spiritual leaders – their misplaced priorities, their idolatry of politics? Well, it has been done before. I found this at Pure Church today: In 1651 ministers in Scotland were moved to publish an acknowledgement of the sins of…

Late last year U2 quietly (for them) released a previously unfinished song from their Joshua Tree about the trip Bono and Ali took to Ethiopia during the famine in the mid-1980s. Stunning.

Thanks to my two older mun-chickens (that’s ‘muchkins’ as heard by some Ugandan children) for helping me put my head on straight…

This post is the body of an email I sent to my friends from the Uganda trip. One of the things that struck me about the trip was that “macro” poverty – what we could see from the street, for instance – wasn’t nearly as bad as “micro” poverty – the glimpse inside someone’s home,…

My new friend Shannon – beautiful blogging brain behind bold, brilliant Rocks In My Dryer made this comment yesterday: Friends keep saying, “give yourself time,” and I think, “time for WHAT? Time to forget just enough of what I saw so that my old life fits more easily?” I don’t want that. And yet, I…

This fall, Abilene Christian University will be providing all incoming freshmen with either an iPhone or an iPod touch: …freshmen will use the iPhones or iPod touches to receive homework alerts, answer in-class surveys and quizzes, get directions to their professors’ offices, and check their meal and account balances – among more than 15 other…

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