Whenever there is a disaster it is Christian relief and development organizations that are among the first on the ground. This is a fact too often lost in “sexier” conversations about politics or theology. But in Peru and in Southeast Asia, those who love Jesus and are fulfilling his mandate to care for the poor are already there. In the case of some villages ravaged by flooding in Southeast Asia, Christian organizations are the only people there to provide help:

“When you lose everything it is very hard to recover,” said Sushant Agrawal, the director of Churches Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA). “People have lost their houses and belongings. The standing crops are gone. The flood has destroyed the total source of their livelihood.”
Many families are also struggling to cope amid food shortages.
“We are constantly hungry. I do not have enough food to feed my children,” said Shifa Begam from Jithkar, a village near the Harirampur-district in Bangladesh.
ACT members are the only humanitarian support in the village, where they are running a food distribution operation.

It is easy to think of all the reasons to think Christians are fake but there are many more reasons – reasons like these – to show how real Jesus remains today.

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