So why do people have such a problem with Sen. Hillary Clinton? One reader, Jillian, puts the question this way: Ask people about Hillary Clinton and you get the same range of admiring and abyssmally jealous/resentful/ego-violated scornful responses as you get when you ask football fans about the New England Patriots 😉 I’m curious. What…

A thin place from a reader: Kruger National Park, South Africa “An evening ride in an open Land Rover and a stumble across a small pride and a roar and the tremble and the sense I had come across the fearsome voice of God.” Please keep sending your own <a href="""thin places" to me at…

I got this from a friend senior in politics and senior in his faith as well: My observations about having a third party candidate from the christian right: – It would seal the deal for the D’s winning the White House due to the Perot / Nader effect; – It would further marginalize the “Christian…

Every cliche about the challenges of parenthood is true. Kids test your patience, your pride, your selfishness, your love, your sleep and everything else. Kids give boundless joy, knee-bending grace, and truly unconditional love. They are life. And as I’ve thought about Britney and her struggles, all I’ve come up with is a book recommendation.…

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