Some of the most insightful people grace this blog, taking time out of their lives to read and comment and send emails. It is such a privilege to be part of it.
Rjohnson posted something yesterday that I am particularly intrigued by:

Perhaps it is time for people of faith to remind both parties that our religious beliefs are not tools to promote their election. What do you think might happen if we encouraged folks who shared our concerns to simply write in “none of the above” in the next Presidential election? Imagine what message would be sent to both parties if 20% of the electorate wrote in “none of the above”…or even 15%?

Wasted vote? Only if you think that by selecting a Democrat or Republican you can make the situation regarding religion and politics any better. I stopped thinking that some time back.

This may be a better tactic than taking a fast from politics – or simply a great additional idea. What an amazing statement that would be. Thanks RJohnson.

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