Meet Jesus-loving Terry Jones. The Florida man is the pastor at Dove World Outreach Center and he’s also the author of the book Islam is of the Devil. Well, Terry is having a world-wide anti-Muslim party on September 11, and guess what? You’re invited! And the best part is that you don’t even have to go to Florida to attend. Just head on over to Barnes & Noble or Borders and buy yourself a Koran (the Muslim Bible) and plan to burn it on Saturday, September 11.
Sounds like fun, huh?
According to Terry, Apostolic worship which is a conscious, deliberate effort during worship to change the spiritual world, that then works its way out into the natural world and becomes visible as victory over the enemy.
And uh, the enemies are Muslims! And of course, gays and lesbians. Sheesh, gay Muslims must really be bad.
Terry explains… Free speech is hated by homosexuals and they do not like to hear the truth about their perverted lifestyle. We are protesting our openly homosexual Mayor Aug 2. Maybe they did it, (not the Mayor himself, surely) but the more likely trigger for this attack is the burn a Koran Day plan.
I feel sorry for the mayor. But I bet the bookstores in this Florida town will stock plenty of copies of the Koran and even put up a display. (Hey, sales are sales.)
And wow. Check out why Terry believes Obama is president…


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