What E.B. White, that great writer called the big syllable, can be seen in what Purple Theology will see in ecclesiology. If we are to move beyond the ageless denominational bickering so typical of the Church, we will have to move from independence to interdependence. The addition of “ter” is a big syllable with big…

The recent interview of Brian McLaren in Sojourners made a slight plea for purple politics — neither red nor blue but purple. I have for a long time talked about how theology in the 80s became Reaganology, and by that I only meant to provoke thought. The 80s saw many evangelicals switch from the Democrats…

In this our last post on a generous orthodoxy that can genuinely shape a fourth way, I want to look at a basic premise of the younger generation and a premise that many of my generation find difficult to handle. I begin with a story. In the Spring of 1981, Kris and I and the…

A genuine generous orthodoxy is conversational in style and in relationships. Conversation transcends everything we are and do. If we define “conversation” properly, it moves beyond “chatting” to become central to who we are and what we are aboutl. Orthodoxy The first element of the conversational style is that Orthodoxy recognizes that the Triune God…

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