Are there any new emerging proposals for what church is all about?  Jim Belcher, in Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional examines the emerging criticisms of the traditional and the traditional criticisms of the emerging. The issue is this: how can the church become more “shepherding” in how church works? (As I…

Are there any new emerging proposals for preaching?  Jim Belcher, in Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional examines the theory of Doug Pagitt. (I blogged about that book with Doug when it came out, and since then I’ve done more thinking about his proposal.) The questions I have are these: Do you…

Is there a Third Way for worship?  Jim Belcher, in Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional examines this question and contends there is a genuine third way beyond the traditional and the emerging. What is your church doing to recover the ancient worship traditions? What are first steps for discovering our roots? Jim’s…

So, what about the gospel? Is there a Third Way for the gospel? Isn’t the traditional gospel the real gospel? Jim Belcher, in Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional, poses this question by examining the gospel in Brian McLaren. Jim Belcher says the problem for the emerging criticism of tradition is that…

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