No passage in the New Testament ever describes the groups it assumes everyone knows. Yet, we beg for those descriptions and so scholars over the years have sketched and re-sketched, and then discarded and reconstructed what can be known about those groups. The most recent, and thoroughly readable — and every church library needs this…

Along with Alan Hauser (Appalachian State University) and Jonathan Klawans (Boston University), I am co-editor of the journal Currents in Biblical Research. This journal can be read to keep up with “what’s going on?” in Old Testament studies, Judaism studies, and New Testament studies. The publisher just offered to us a 30% discount by contacting…

Sin has a history, and the history of the use of words for sin sheds light on the current debate about the new perspective on Paul.  Gary Anderson, in his superbly written Sin: A History , demonstrates that the oldest and most predominant Old Testament idea  about sin was that it was a load to carry and…

Darrel Falk posted an excellent column on Science and the Sacred yesterday. In this post he comments on three conversations with highly educated people who hold a young earth view of creation. The reasons are not scientific, all three will admit that the science points in another direction.  Hope and purpose is tied together with…

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