I posted last week on a comment suggesting that I view Genesis 1-11 as “just collected stories.” The statement surprised me because I do not view Genesis as “just” collected stories – they are arranged and edited for a purpose and we need to study them carefully for that purpose and meaning. We are not…

I’ve been busy the last week or so and didn’t get as involved in comments as I often do. But Scot put up a couple of interesting posts last Thursday, one on Evangelicalism’s Radical Diversity 4 with a discussion on inerrancy and the other on Evolution: A Remarkable History (not by me) discussing the history…

Inerrancy broke into a debate in the late 1970s when Harold Lindsell (in The Battle for the Bible ) named names and laid down the law. The law was that a true evangelical believed in inerrancy.  Steve Wilkens and Don Thorsen, both profs at Azusa Pacific, have a new book that takes on misperceptions of…

Pete Enns has a new article up at the Huffington Post: Evolution and Religion: Why Religion Pollsters Should Go to Seminary First. Ignore the forum (especially the ads on the sidebar) and read the article – this is an interesting question.  Just a paragraph here, condensed, to get a taste. Commenting on a poll commissioned…

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