Kris and I are in Ohio this weekend, 
this time in Westerville OH at Heritage Christian Church.
Faith and Science conference at Regent, May 4-7. Stellar lineup.
Joe Hellerman is now blogging; check him out.
From iMonk and the resurrection gospel.
Skiing.jpgI like this piece, “The Founder Effect,” by David Dunbar on the need for a genuine ecumenicism.
I like this piece by Dan Reid, where he unloads about using sports analogies in sermons. (I’m glad he didn’t mention using backyard stray birds.)
Sarah Pulliam Bailey, in the WSJ: “If journalists are asking the right motivational questions (why did an athlete retire? why does he do prison ministry?) they might find religion in the answers. When appropriate, it’s the reporter’s responsibility to dig out the underlying story and present it to readers.”
Speaking of journalists, Owen Youngman‘s got things to say.

Just in case you were thinking all messianic Jews are the same. Wow, quite the spectrum here.
Just in case you were wanting to know about NT Wright: NT Wright for Everyone.

Patriarchy and women in the new South Africa. (HT: TS)
Singlehood with Eugene.
Multitasking according to John Stackhouse.

Brian McLaren’s new book is creating some strong critique. My review will appear in the next edition of Christianity Today.

On Intelligent Design from First Things by Stephen Barr: ” It is time to take stock: What has the intelligent design movement achieved? As science, nothing. The goal of science is to increase our understanding of the natural world, and there is not a single phenomenon that we understand better today or are likely to understand better in the future through the efforts of ID theorists. If we are to look for ID achievements, then, it must be in the realm of natural theology. And there, I think, the movement must be judged not only a failure, but a debacle.”

This approach to teaching someone not to dance was one of the few strategies not used in my church when I grew up … 

A good tip for bloggers; I should say good tips.
Meanderings in the News
2. I really liked this piece … Here, here: “A series of recent studies has demonstrated that the level of irrationality among adolescents and adults is about the same, which means that we can no longer explain the risky behavior of teenagers by telling ourselves that adolescents suffer from some special inability to reason.” Part two has some suggested strategies for minimizing teenage risky behaviors: “Parents are often devoted to slippery-slope logic–“If I let this one go, I lose control, and my child will become a barbarian”–but that’s typically the opposite of what happens. Go to war over every minor thing and you lose both the minor and the major. And the metaphor of losing battles but winning the war is misguided because it starts out by pitting you against your child. A better metaphor: You are sailing the ship toward a goal of a well-adjusted, functioning, non-freeloading adulthood for your child. This requires tacking, which can look like one is veering away from the goal, but tacking is often the best path to the goal.”
3. There is so much snow up in Michigan, people get to doing silly things — like this.
4. An eloquent and passionate essay that lacks one thing: an articulate grasp of the meaning of the central word, love. So for me the piece could be called Love, Interrupted.
5. The new “dating” life on university campuses.
6. Henry Olsen, in National Review: “I’m not so sure. I see the current state of affairs as an intensification, perhaps even a culmination, of four interrelated 25-year political trends: a growing distrust of conservative and liberal ideologies, a growing movement away from the two parties and toward political independence, increases in the racial-minority (which usually means Democratic-voting) share of the population, and a growing inability of the Republican party to bridge the gap between its populist and elite wings.  Together, these trends raise the specter of a serious independent, populist presidential candidacy for the first time in a century. And if the GOP doesn’t adapt to the shifting political terrain, there is even a remote possibility that the identity of America’s two dominant parties will change for the first time since the 1850s, which saw the death of the Whigs and birth of the Republicans.” 
7. The eBook war — Amazon vs. Macmillan — is already heated up, but it will get hotter and iPad will feature prominently.
8. Google hopes we’ll catch up to speed with internet speed.
9. Which articles get e-mailed? Science and awe-inspiring articles.
10. The psychologist’s Bible, DSM, is undergoing revision.
Meanderings in Sports
Can we say, “Way to go Dad, but why is it so noisy in this place?”
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