Bonhoeffer.jpgIn Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together we are reminded again of the value of beginning our day as has the Church throughout the ages. Though speaking here of “day together” what he says applies to both groups and individuals, but it would be good for groups — Christian groups — to follow Bonhoeffer’s practice:

“For Christians the beginning of the day should not be burdened and haunted by the various kinds of concerns they face during the working day…. Therefore, in the early morning hours of the day may our many thoughts and our many idle words be silent, and may the first thought and the first word belong to the One to whom our whole life belongs” (51-52).
So, take some moments to reflect and to gain silence before God — to offer your day and yourself to our God.
Many of us do not have a “life together” — most of us don’t in the sense of Bonhoeffer. This is why the use of the great prayer books of the Church can join us with others, the communion of the saints, as we say the prayers that the Church is saying. As we say them, we can hear the echo wave across the world hour by hour. (If you need an introduction to prayer books, check this out: Praying with the Church: Following Jesus Daily, Hourly, Today
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