Again, the psalmist — the one whose torch in the Torah that guides his path — is in trouble: his life is in jeopardy (119:109) — snares have been set for this light-following feet (110), but he still does not stray.
I’m impressed here: this psalmist over and over complains about being in trouble, being oppressed, and being chased. Over and over he says he is committed to following the Torah, and walking according to the light it gives. And over and over he gets himself back in trouble for following the Torah. Some would cave in.

Notice the interchange of the following:
Life in danger … I will not forget your Law (v. 109).
Wicked have set traps for me .. but I have not strayed from your precepts (v. 110).
The darkness is thick; the dangers many; the light of the Torah is sufficient; keep walking. His feet know the way.
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