The Axis Saturday evening service has ended (Gene Appel explains), and already a significant emerging church leader, Dan Kimball, has expressed his prayerful gratitude for what Axis has meant to the church. You’ve got to read this piece, the last two paragraphs of his lengthy and good post:
Oh Jesus, lead your church. Keep our own human egos and control issues out of the way – so we can let others lead who are in tune with different cultures that we may not be in tune to. May we yield to those placed in leadership above us if serving on a staff. This is your church Jesus – may we never forget that and may we serve you in the way you want us to for your Kingdom and the mission.
Farewell Axis! You served a wonderful purpose in the Kingdom and helped so many, many people through the years and inspired so many of us to experiment with launching new gatherings within a church. Thank you for pioneering new experimental ways and even though you are now shut down, your influence and inspiration was wide spread.

HT: John Carlson for the Gene Appel statement.

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