The best advertisement I’ve seen in a long, long time is the Southwest Airlines commercial with a wife watching her husband via computer camera: he’s waddling around in his boxers and big gut hanging out and drinking from a big pitcher of milk.
Andrew Jones is a regular read for both Kris and me. On top of knowing everything technological and his clever pictures, from TSK I get a better sense of the emerging movement in the European context.

Speaking of technological, Bedford Park (suburb of Chicago) is now providing for every home in the community an AT&T wi-fi connection.
My talk at San Diego’s National Pastor’s Convention is now posted at Emergent-US and it is the 008 Podcast.
1. Maybe this is why Tiger’s such a good golfer: he’s a risk-taker.
2. Steve McCoy’s got a series of reflective posts, different subjects, but each good.
3. Alan Hartung responds to Chuck Colson. I’ve said this before: I believe in biblical and theological education, but the point of such is not knowing more so we can respond to more but to be wise. Redemptive wisdom, that is what the Bible is for.
4. Jason Clark deal with the same issue with clarity.
5. Bad news on blogs: John Frye, the JESUS THE RADICAL PASTOR.blogspot creator and writer has stepped away from his blogspot for an undetermined amount of time. As a non-resident missionary mentor to young Ukrainian leaders, John has to spend more time raising support and seeking other employment. Ideally, John would like to be bi-vocational, that is, keeping his Ukraine ministry active with Church Planters Training International and also working in Grand Rapids, MI (USA) where he lives. Pray for John and his wife, Julie, as they navigate these vital decisions.
6. Make sure you add Vinne and Helga’s movie reviews (spoofs) — a taste of the old Wittenburg Door. (HT: Fr. Rob)
7. Gene Keady gets my vote for #1. Don’t they remember Chris Mullins? Or even Michael Jordan going bald? Both set hair styles for athletes. Or ‘Nique’s in the 80s?
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