The Jazz Theologian

Created in the 15the century, Rublev’s Icon is based upon the obscure story of Abraham and the three visitors by the oak of Mamre. Drawing upon that revelation of God, Rublev undertook to capture the mystery of the Trinity in iconic fashion. This icon has forever changed my relationship with God. It has helped me…

Haiku 3 lines Lines One and Three have five syllables, Line Two has 7 syllables No rhyming, similes, metaphors or narration. Usually about nature or a moment. I’m not that proficient at these but I’d thought I take a shot at putting my thoughts as to what Jazz is, in the form of six Haiku’s.…

Whitney Balliett said that jazz is… “The Sound of Surprise.”

Ray Charles has an answer to what jazz is…he once released a jazz album entitled… Genius + Soul = Jazz

If we are going to talk jazz theology then we must first ask, "What is jazz?" Complete the sentence, "Jazz is…"

"If the classical approach to theology has been called ‘the queen of sciences,’ the jazz approach to theology could be called the ‘queen of the arts.’ The latter investigates God’s dealing with people in the joys and trails of daily life…The jazz approach is not so much concerned with the status of theological propositions as…

Ellis puts it this way, “…God is not just classical. God is jazz. Not only does he have an eternal and unchanging purpose, but he is intimately involved with the difficulties of sparrows and slaves. Within the dynamic of his eternal will, he improvises. God’s providential jazz liberates slaves and weeps over cities. Jazz can…

We need Classical Theology. Carl Ellis points out its importance.“Like classical music, the classical approach to theology comprises the formal methods of arranging what we know about God and his world into a reasoned, cogent and consistent system. Classical theology interacts in the critical dialogue with the philosophies of the world. It investigates the attributes…

I have read Carl Ellis’ book, Free At Last?: The Gospel in the African-American Experience, at least once a year for almost a decade now. Save the scriptures, Free at Last?, has influenced my life and ministry more than any other book. One reason is that it speaks viscerally to me when it comes to…

“The word improvisation derives from the Latin im + provisus, meaning “not provided” or “not forseen.”

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