It’s not so funny in real life.  

A womanizing bachelor with deep psychological issues makes for a good sitcom but a sobering reality show.  For years we have made the shenanigans of Two and a Half Men’s, pleasure seeking alcolholic “Charlie” into a top TV show.  However, to see what that kind of life produces in real life is sad.


The fictional “Charlie” is living the fantasy that it is possible to have “no strings attached” sexual intimacy with multiple partners without repercussions.  In the TV show, even his alcoholism is a laughing matter.  The real life Charlie has been married three times and has five children who must be watching in stunned disbelief.  
As we see Charlie Sheen’s endless interviews, webcasts and tweets what we are seeing is that fantasy rarely lives up to its promise.  Sadness sets in as we watch him spin out of control before our very eyes.
If we turn introspective then we quickly thank God that we do not have all that we want or fantasize about (because we all have them), nor the unlimited resources to grant us our every whim.  Sheen is also a reminder that God created us to pursue pleasure but when we allow our desires to be satisfied with lesser joys instead of the ultimate joy of God then we will always walk away empty.
Lord, have mercy Charlie Sheen.  Lord, have mercy on us.
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