How do you follow strange fruit? We must know the answer to that question.  It was Robert Lewis who wrote that, "We could not make sense of the New Testament in particular, or Christianity in general, without its central figure–Jesus Christ.  Christianity is not a philosophy or an ethic, but a person:  Christianity is Christ. …

Former slave Ida B. Wells launched a campaign against lynching.  She and her five brothers and sisters were orphaned after the death of her parents.  At the age of sixteen she stood for keeping her disintegrating family together and though she was in shool herself she applied for gained employment as a teacher.  "Ida believed…

For those of you in Denver looking for something to do this weekend check out the Five Points Jazz Festival.

That is the question isn’t it?  How do you follow strange fruit?  We as followers of Christ wrestle with that everyday.  How do we follow strange–unnatural–fruit.  For the loveliest lynchee was our Lord! Without Sanctuary:  Lynching Photography in America is a pictorial history of lynching.  Each stomach turning page brings home the reality of this…

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