Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered one of the most remarkable addresses of the modern era.


Long known as a gifted orator, even by his critics, Netanyahu spent a good deal of time discrediting the Iranians as serious about nuclear negotiations. His factual presentation/laundry list of state-sponsored terrorism by the Iranians incensed Israel’s enemies, most of whom were in the room to hear the leader of the Jewish state. Yet it was his closing remarks that sent a chilling echo throughout the chamber.

Invoking the Bible—invoking Bible prophecy!—Netanyahu quoted from Amos, stating slowly and clearly:

“In our time, the biblical prophecies are being realized.”

He read from the Bible, about the Jews being brought back to their ancestral land near the end of history, when they would never be “uprooted” again.

Detested by the international community, Netanyahu still delivered an indictment against the international body, which loathes the reality of Jewish sovereignty in the land of their forefathers.

Soon and very soon—as President Obama said last year—the international community will get tired of the status quo, regarding negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Something will have to give.

Since the official U.S. policy is virtually identical to the policy of the most rabid terrorists in the world (the “settlements” are a roadblock to peace), one can seriously ask: is the Bible an outdated, dusty book meant for another time?

Or is it meant for our time?

An Israeli suburb of Jerusalem, present-day
An Israeli suburb of Jerusalem, present-day
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