by Deepak Chopra and Leonard Mlodinow   As we travel around the country promoting our new book, War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality, people are asking about the major points of contention between science (the worldview represented by Leonard Mlodinow) and spirituality (the worldview represented by Deepak Chopra).  Do we always disagree or are there…

Because of his popular fame, the dogmatic atheist Richard Dawkins has made himself immune to critical challenge.  His biggest bestseller, The God Delusion, was roundly castigated in intellectual outlets for being misinformed about the state of modern spiritual belief, Caltech physicist Leonard Mlodinow, co-author with Stephen Hawking of The Grand Design, has written a new book with…

In War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality, the two bestselling authors debate the most fundamental questions of human existence. How did the universe begin? Where did life come from? Is there design in nature? Without defending organized religion, Chopra asserts that there is design in the universe and a deep intelligence behind the rise…

In our touring debates on science versus spirituality, Caltech physics professor Leonard Mlodinow and I take turns claiming to be the underdog. This is never more confusing than when it comes to debating Darwinism. Evolution has been a wedge issue for a century and a half. Biologists consider Darwin’s concept of the evolution of species…

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