Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock.com
Jeremy Renner is a “walking” miracle. The “Hawkeye” star recently sprinted up his driveway for a Brooks running shoe campaign after almost losing his life last year in a snowplow accident. In an interview with People, Renner explained, “I was barely walking, so I didn’t know what these shoes were going to do for me.”…

Dylan Armajani/Shutterstock.com
Kathie Lee Gifford was shocked when Howard Stern called to apologize. The former “Today” co-anchor recently wrote a new book titled “I Want to Matter: Your Life Is Too Short and Too Precious to Waste.” It explores the power of self-love and features self-reflecting questions for readers to understand their hopes and dreams better. In…

Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock. Com | Inset: dean bertoncelj / Shutterstock.com
There’s a reason why Brandin Cooks has been on five NFL teams in his career. He’s been traded four times, and he shares an NFL record with Eric Dickerson, but it’s hardly because of a lack of talent or any problems in any locker room. As a matter of fact, the wide receiver had a…

CBS Philadelphia/YouTube
Philadelphia Eagles star QB Jalen Hurts recently donated $200,000 to local Philadelphia schools to go towards much-needed air conditioning units. Dr. Tony B. Watlington Sr., the superintendent of the School District of Philadelphia, thanked Hurts for his donation, saying, “More than half of the schools in the district lack appropriate air-conditioning. When the temperature climbs…

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