This year is drawing to a close. As we hang the holly and shop for gifts, we know the end of 2011 is looming.

How was your 2011? Was it a good year for you or was it difficult? For myself and many others that I know, it’s been like a Charles Dickens novel: equal parts the best and worst of times. We’ve seen heights of success that were so great that they were almost dizzying. We’ve also seen valleys so low and dark that we wondered when the sun would shine again. It’s been a ride. I can say that. It’s been quite a ride.

And it’s not over.

It’s been a tricky last few months; however, in the last week or so I’ve seen some bright moments. There have been unexpected gifts, acts of kindness and opportunities to renew my faith in the goodness of others. It all got me thinking about 11th hour miracles and how quickly they can change everything.

The one thing you have as this year draws to an end is time. It’s not much. It’s only four more weeks, but it’s enough of a window for something new to happen. You have to admit, some of the most interesting moments of your life came to you when you were giving up hope. The odds were stacked against you. Things even got pretty dark.

Then suddenly….

You lost a job but found a better one. Money is at its tightest when a gift lands on your doorstep. Or the wayward child you were so concerned about one day comes home. It was at the last minute. You thought all was lost, but then God came through.

It happens to us all and it can happen again. So don’t give up on 2011. It’s not over yet, and the miracle that you’ve been waiting for just might be finally waiting for you.

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