Montclair State University

A set of quintuplets from New Jersey recently celebrated all of them graduating from the same university. Victoria, Ludovico, Ashley, Michael and Marcus Povolo all earned their degrees from Montclair State University, making it a special milestone for the siblings. All of them have different interests, earning their respective degrees in different subjects. Victoria majored in biochemistry, Ashley majored in English, Ludovico majored in political science, Michael majored in food science and Marcus majored in business administration.

Montclair State University released a statement about the quintuplets where they said that the Povolo’s might be the only set of quintuplets in New Jersey to accomplish this. “The milestone at Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey, is believed to be the first time quints have simultaneously graduated from a New Jersey higher ed institution, with the Povolos joining just a handful of other multiple siblings in the nation who celebrated their ‘quintessential’ college experience by graduating from the same college in the same academic year,” Montclair State said in a statement.

The chance of having quintuplets is roughly one in 55 million, and the chance of all five of them graduating from the same university is even rarer. In 2020, Montclair State offered all five siblings Presidential Scholarships, which are saved for only the most high-achieving students. They also qualified for grants and additional scholarships for their education. “It’s so big we can’t even put words to it,” mother Silvia Povolo told Montclair State. “I always sit down with them and say, ‘You had four years of college that came to your table and you had the chance to take it with no cost. Whatever you learned in these four years, it’s a blessing… it’s a key to open a golden door.”

Attending the same university gave the quintuplets the chance to stay close while in school. “Montclair helped us be together, but also helped us to become our own people, with our own majors, our own interests, our own friend groups,” Victoria explained in the press release. “We customized our own paths, but we got to the finish line together.” She added, “The support that they have for us, obviously, there’s a reason why we made it this far. Our parents always encourage us to do our best, and the best doesn’t look the same for everyone, which I think is also something we learned growing up and explains why we’re all doing different things.”

Before graduation, Michael said that their mom will likely cry as they walk across the stage. “We’ll need a tissue box for my mom. She’s definitely going to cry.” As for dad, Paolo Povolo said the graduation ceremony will be a “a gigantic moment for them and for us.” He added, “So basically, we’ve been saying, ‘when one door closes another one opens.’ In the sense that college is coming to an end, we have to think of the future, we have to think of what’s next … and that is in the making.”

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