Eugene Powers /

The actor who starred in the Steven Spielberg blockbuster “Super 8” and the hit movie “Jesus Revolution” says he’s passionate about faith-based projects and wants others to experience the joy he’s received through his relationship with Christ.

Joel Courtney plays Greg Laurie in “Jesus Revolution,” which has grossed over $50 million and shares the story of the hippie-led Jesus Movement of the 1960s and 70s. Courtney said he wanted the role as soon as he read the script. Courtney said during a recent Zoom prayer call involving the film’s cast and cred, “I just connected with it immediately. First off, anything with the gospel in it I’m immediately passionate about. There’s a joy in my faith that I long for others to experience.”

Courtney starred in the 2011 film “Super 8,” directed by Steven Spielberg, ranked number one during opening weekend. He also starred in the Netflix series “Kissing Booth.” He said “Jesus Revolution” correctly portrays Christianity.

He said, “It pulls no punches. It confronts sin, and it confronts hardships and character. The film shows that once you become a Christian, life doesn’t get easy. And I appreciated all of that.” Although filming didn’t start until after the pandemic, Courtney was cast for the movie in early 2020. He recently showed the film to a group of students from his church at a local theater.

“We did a little Q&A at the end. And I prayed for them,” he said. “And it was just a profound time getting to experience them watching the film. And knowing like they are on the brink of adulthood or young adulthood, and it’s such a turbulent and difficult time to traverse. And I just think that this movie shows a beautiful path and a hope. Hope is everything. If you don’t have hope and love, you don’t really have anything.”

Courtney lives in Tennessee with his wife, landing at what he calls “an incredible church.” He said, “It’s been a huge blessing in our lives, frankly, [with] really powerful preaching.”

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