mr beast
Fidias/Wikimedia Commons

YouTube superstar MrBeast is making the world a better, clearer place for at least 1,000 people. His latest stunt is paying for cataract removal surgery for 1,000 people who were near blind or blind but couldn’t afford the surgery.

In a recent video, MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, said, “We’re curing a thousand people’s blindness.” The video currently has 98 million views. It featured moving before and after images of patients with clear vision after the surgery. The YouTuber also gave some participants cash donations and other gifts.

Jeff Levenson, an ophthalmologist and surgeon, worked with Donaldson to perform the first round of surgeries in Jacksonville, Florida. Levenson has coordinated the “Gift of Sight” program for over 20 years, which provides free cataract surgery for uninsured patients who are legally blind due to cataracts.

“Half of all blindness in the world is people who need a 10-minute surgery,” Levenson says in the video, referring to the cataract-removal surgery. Levenson explained to CNN that he became inspired to help people access cataract surgery after undergoing his cataract correction surgery.

“In the days and weeks after my cataract surgery, I was stunned by how bright and beautiful and vivid the world was,” he said. “But I was shocked by the idea that there are hundreds of millions, probably 200 million people around the world, who are blind or nearly blind from cataracts and who don’t have access to the surgery.”

Levenson got a call from a member of Donaldson’s team in September. “I had never heard of MrBeast,” he said. “So I almost hung up. But I gratefully did not hang up.” They started by calling homeless shelters and free clinics to create a list of patients in the Jacksonville area who needed cataract surgery but could not afford it. Eventually, they had a group of 40 patients – and Levenson performed all of their surgeries in a single day, starting at 7 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m.

Levenson said that patients were in “disbelief that somebody would seek them out to rescue them from blindness and then have the kindness and generosity of spirit to offer the surgery.”

The ophthalmologist also connected Donaldson’s team with SEE International, for which he serves as the chief medical officer. The nonprofit provides free eye care around the world to patients in need. The organization helped Donaldson reach even more patients, for a total of 1,000 surgeries completed around three weeks. The video shows patients receiving the surgery in Jamaica, Honduras, Namibia, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam and Kenya.

Levenson said he hopes the video and Donaldson’s generosity inspire “a concerted effort to end needless blindness.” “If MrBeast can light a fire, and if we can get governmental and private support behind it, we can end half of all the blindness in the world,” he said. “Without all that much cost, and with incredible gains in human productivity and human potential.”

It’s so rare that people go out of their way to help the less fortunate. Hopefully, MrBeast’s act of kindness will inspire others to follow suit.

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