Climate change is an ever-present topic that affects the whole world. As the ongoing threat of global warming looms over some areas of the earth, many are concerned about how animals will survive as their environments drastically change. The temperature and land of the ecosystem that the different species are accustomed to are being regressed. Researchers have struggled to find a scientific solution for many years, but recently, a few scientists in California found a Biblical one. The Los Angeles Times reported that a collaboration of research professionals and nonprofit organizations is going to great lengths to help save endangered species affected by global warming. One of the measures of this solution is emergency relocation, similar to what took place with Noah’s Ark.

Although Noah’s Ark inspired this solution, this emergency relocation won’t be an actual wooden ship to contain two of each animal species to escape a Biblical flood. The rescue team will be going to the most affected locations to provide asylum for the most at-risk animals. When choosing which sites have rescue priority, they go places with record extreme temperatures first.

California is known for its harsh droughts and raging wildfires. Death Valley, which has the record for the hottest temperature on earth this year, hosts many unique species having trouble adapting to the increase in heat. Since the species there were in danger of being obliterated, the research team built a humungous 100,000-gallon aquarium that mimics the optimal conditions for pupfish. This species has occupied Death Valley since the Ice Age.

In addition to the aquarium efforts, scientists from the University of California at Davis started a captive breeding program for the rare and cute endangered species Amargosa vole. With less than 300 living and their habitat diminishing, their sole hope at survival is to be bred in a monitored environment then released back to their original location once they are in a good place population-wise.

The species rescue team helps plants too. At the California Botanic Garden, the team is working to save extremely rare plant seeds. To accomplish this, they established freezers for the safety of the seeds. These freezers include backup generators in case of a blackout. Although this plan is beneficial, it won’t save all the endangered seeds in California’s rich diversity of plant species. “The heartbreaking reality is that some plants won’t be able to survive another year as dry as this one,” botanist Naomi Fraga said in an LA Times interview. “We went out this spring and couldn’t find a single flower with viable seeds anywhere in the Mojave Desert.”

These generous efforts to preserve the earth’s past and present ecosystems are incredibly inspiring and are a glimmer of hope amongst all the uncertainty. However, we shouldn’t be complacent in preventing why the rescue efforts are happening in the first place. We have gotten the earth to a state of exhaustion, and it is our job to do all we can to help revitalize it. We can achieve that with God, the awesome creator of the earth, and His wisdom. This Biblically inspired species rescue team is just the beginning!

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