As Christians, we are called to be concerned about the environment. This is because Christians are aware that God created the world, and we are all His trustees and stewards. We know from the very first verse in Scripture, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). When we can look at the world as a gift from God, we will take out the time to properly invest in it. This includes taking care of it and using it wisely, instead of destroying or poisoning it.

Cleaning up your neighborhood is a great way to practice stewardship. It is also a great way to give back to your community. On day nine of the 12 days of service challenge, pick up trash around your neighborhood.

This is a great challenge to complete with your family. Start by figuring out where you want to begin. Maybe it’s your street. It may also be a section of a park, beach, or vacant lot. Next, assign gloves and a trash bag to each member of your family. Make sure you’re taking all the necessary precautions. This includes wearing sturdy gloves and being cautious if you’re near roads or riverbanks. Make sure the adults are handling any dangerous items and supervising the children very closely. Finally, properly dispose of the litter that you collect. For the challenge, you can do this in a one-time sweep. Take the challenge a step further by making it a regular family event. Another challenge? Every time you step out the door to walk through your neighborhood, bus stop, or park, take the time to clean up. Over time, it will become a habit.

When you’ve completed the challenge, reflect on your experience. How much litter did you collect? What are the things that you could do to resolve this problem? Why is it important to pick up trash in your community? What are other things we can do to take care of the spaces that we live in? These reflections can keep you focused on the importance of keeping the environment clean. Are you up for the challenge?

Every day is a new opportunity to #LightTheWorld. Visit for more service ideas.

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